When it comes to running a business, there are countless expenses to consider. From office rent and equipment costs to employee salaries and marketing spend, every penny counts. One expense that can often be overlooked is the cost of hiring an accountant. While it may seem like a small accountants bolton detail, understanding the hourly rates of accountants in the UK is crucial for any business owner looking to save money and stay financially healthy.

The first thing to understand when it comes to accountant hourly rates is that they vary widely depending on a number of factors. These accountants bolton factors include:

- Location: Accountants in major cities like London may charge more than those in smaller towns or rural areas.
- Experience: More experienced accountants with advanced qualifications will typically charge more than entry-level professionals.
- Services required: Basic bookkeeping services will be less expensive than complex tax planning or business consulting services.

With these accountants bolton factors in mind, let's take a closer look at the average hourly rates you can expect from an accountant in the UK.

Basic Accounting Services

For basic bookkeeping and accounting services – such as maintaining financial records, producing financial statements, and preparing tax returns – you can expect to pay between £25 and £35 per hour for an accountant's time. This rate applies whether you're working with a sole practitioner or a larger accounting firm.

It's worth noting that some firms may offer accountants bolton package deals for basic accounting services rather than charging by the hour. These packages could include things like regular bookkeeping check-ins or quarterly tax return preparation for a flat fee each month.

Specialist Services

If your business requires more specialised accounting services – such as tax planning advice or help with creating a comprehensive business plan – you should expect higher hourly rates. Depending on their level of expertise, these specialists could charge anywhere from £75 up to £150 per hour.

It's important not only to consider price but also value when deciding which specialist service provider would suit your needs best. Higher hourly rates may be justified if you're working with an accountant who has a wealth of experience and a proven track record of helping businesses achieve their financial goals.


As mentioned earlier, the location of your business can also impact the hourly rate you'll pay for accounting services. Accountants in major cities like London or Edinburgh may charge more than those working in smaller towns or rural areas.

For example, according to research from PwC, the average hourly rate for accountants in London is around £150 per hour – nearly three times higher than the national average. However, it's important to remember that location isn't always indicative of quality. While you might pay more for an accountant based in a major city, the accountants bolton might also have access to more specialised services and resources that could benefit your business.


Finally, experience is another key factor when it comes to determining accountant hourly rates. An entry-level accounting professional with limited experience may charge as little as £20 per hour while a highly experienced chartered accountant with advanced qualifications could command upwards of £200 per hour.

When deciding which level of accountants bolton experience is right for your business needs will depend on what type and complexity levels are required by your company operations and strategic plans.

In conclusion:

The cost of hiring an accountant can vary widely depending on numerous factors including location, experience level, and specialist services offered by them. Basic bookkeeping services will typically cost between £25-35/hour whilst tax planning or accountants bolton business consulting can be significantly higher at around £75-£150/hour depending upon expertise levels required from different types/levels/specialties within this field such as Chartered accountants etc..

Ultimately it's important to balance price with value when selecting an accounting service provider - paying more upfront could ultimately save money over time if you're able to work with someone who has extensive knowledge and expertise within this accountants bolton field. The main thing is ensuring that both parties are clear about what services are required and the costs associated with those services before any work is done.